
European Alzheimer’s Disease Consortium

About Us

The European Alzheimer Disease Consortium is a registered Scientific Society (Non-profit association under German law).

The general aim of the EADC is to create a network of centers of excellence and to foster collaboration, by which the scientific understanding of Alzheimer’s disease is advanced, and to develop ways by which the primary and secondary symptoms of the disease can be diagnosed, prevented, delayed and/or treated.

The aims of the society are laid out in our statutes as:

  • Stimulating pan-European scientific research (clinical trials and other research projects, innovative research ideas and collaborations through Special Interest Groups)
  • Promoting activities to standardize research and treatment approaches for Alzheimer’s disease in Europe, for example through the writing of review articles, position papers on these topics
  • Promoting the participation of young researchers in the Consortium
  • Promoting interaction between the research-based pharmaceutical industry and academic members of the Consortium
  • Promoting communication and exchange with similar organizations in other regions of the world
  • Exchange with EU funding agencies regarding the prioritization of research topics

The aims are achieved by means of:

  • Holding biannual EADC meetings (2 meetings per year; each usually lasting two half days). These meetings serve the scientific exchange among the members and the planning of and updating on activities (scientific research projects, scientific publications, press releases, etc.).These meetings generally consist of two parts, a scientific part with presentations and discussion on topics of interest including industry developments; and an EADC internal part, open to ordinary members only (managing ongoing EADC-related projects, organizational matters). On the evening of the first day, there is a common networking dinner.
  • EADC publications: Position and consensus statements, scientific reviews, recommendations and guideline papers. Topics of these papers are prepared and discussed at scientific EADC meetings, a working group is endorsed by the EADC executive committee, which prepares drafts for submission to publication.