Terms of use

The use of the electronic pages of the website www.eadc.online by the visitor/user (hereinafter referred to as “user”) implies the unconditional agreement with the following terms of use, applicable to all content, pages graphics, images, photographs and files included in our website. Therefore, users must read these terms before using the website and if they don’t agree they must not use our content. Users are advised to check these terms periodically for changes. Continued use of the www.eadc.online website even after any changes, implies the unconditional acceptance of these terms by the user.


The entire content of this website, including (but not limited to) texts, graphics, photographs, charts, illustrations and videos, is the intellectual property of the European Alzheimer’s Disease Consortium (hereinafter referred to as “EADC”) and is governed by national and international copyright law.

The logos, names, brands, marks and trademarks appearing on the website, belong to EADC and/or to persons mentioned as the owners of those rights on the website, and are protected under the existing legislation on industrial and intellectual property.

Any third party intellectual property included in the www.eadc.online website has been placed there in good faith and for information purposes. It is obvious that it shall be removed if requested by the beneficiaries.

License Agreement

EADC, encourages the private use of the website content for personal access to information, and the use for educational or research purposes. Private use does not refer to the use within the context of an enterprise or a service or an organization. The reproduction or storing of individual pages or data is only allowed for educational or research purposes, and under the strict condition that proper mention of the www.eadc.online website is included, along with a mention of the names of the authors (if they are available on the website) and provided that the related industrial or intellectual property rights are in no way affected.

However, users should be aware that some files or data might constitute the intellectual property of third parties (partner organizations, entities, companies, etc.) and may not be used without the express permission of said third parties (which may be indicated on the website).

It is strictly prohibited to store, reproduce, republish, transmit or distribute any part of the contents of the website for commercial purposes or any other use that is not covered in the above paragraph.

The storage, reproduction, republication, transmission or distribution of registered trademarks and trademarks of partner organizations appearing on the website, is strictly prohibited.

Disclaimers and Internet Liability Limitations

EADC, through the website www.eadc.online, makes every possible effort to ensure that all content and the information displayed on the website are characterized by accuracy, clarity, completeness, timeliness and availability.

However, under no circumstances does EADC guarantee and therefore shall not be liable (not even by negligence) for any damage caused to the user from using the website. Furthermore, EADC assumes no responsibility for any possible damage restoration (positive or negative, indicatively: loss of profits, data, compensation, etc.) for users of our website or third parties, on grounds related to the operation or non-operation, the use of the website, any failure of the website to provide information or any unauthorized third party interventions to information available through the website.

Every possible effort is made for the smooth operation of the network, but in no case does EADC guarantee that the operation of the website or the servers will be uninterrupted or error-free, free of viruses and similar items, whether this pertains to the EADC website, or to any other website or server through which its content is transmitted.

Exclusion of Encouragement – Advice

No part of the website content, provided to the users is and can be regarded in any way, directly or indirectly, as encouragement, advice or incitement to any act or omission, but rather it is at the discretion of the users after evaluation to act on their own will, without any liability on the part of EADC.

Links to websites

EADC does not control the availability, content, protection of personal data, the quality and completeness of other websites and pages referred to through links and hyperlinks (hereinafter called “links”). These links are provided solely to facilitate users of the website, while the websites to which these refer are subject to the terms of use corresponding to these websites. The placement of links is not an endorsement or approval by EADC of the content of the respective websites. EADC bears no responsibility for the content, or for any damages arising from their use, as the user has access to them under his/her own responsibility.

Content submitted by the users

EADC, through its website www.eadc.online gives users the choice to post their own content on their website, either via the application submission form or any other form of communication. However, EADC reserves the right to inspect this content and to prevent the publication of material that may be deemed illegal, threatening, abusive, tortious, defamatory, vulgar, violent, offensive or unlawful, that yields liability or in any way violates the law. In the event that the site managers of EADC become aware of such content, then they reserve the right to remove it from the website without any prior notification.

On the other hand, users acknowledge the right of EADC to inspect and approve the content they post on the website before its publication. EADC has the right (but not the obligation) to inspect, approve, reject or delete content submitted by users of the website without notice, and the relevant decisions are not subject to questioning.

Furthermore, EADC retains the right to delete or refuse the publication of content that violates rights of use, trademarks, trade contracts or any other intellectual right of natural or legal persons, as well as material that violates personal data.

All users who post content accept and state that:

  • They have the right to post content on the website that neither includes nor violates registered trademarks, logos or copyright-protected material of any natural or legal person.
  • Relieves the website and its bearer of any royalty costs and any other fees payable to any natural or legal persons as a result of content they may have posted on the website.
  • Each person “displayed” in the content has given his/her consent.
  • They have all the necessary licenses to use the content submitted for all items/settings illustrated in the content.

It is the users and not EADC who are solely responsible for the content they post or distribute via the website in any way. Under no circumstances can the website www.eadc.online or its representatives be held liable for any damage or loss of any type (for example, amongst others: direct, indirect, accidental, consequential, civil or penal) resulting from actions from the website’s users. If a user wishes to remove content he/she has submitted, they have to notify EADC by using the contact email available on the website. The content will be removed within 1-2 working days.

Rights to Content Use

Content submitted and posted by the users remains their property. However, for any content users submit to the website for posting, they automatically give the website unlimited and free permission to use, distribute, reproduce, modify, adjust, publicly promote and use this content whenever and in any possible way, via digital or print media.

Transitional Provisions

EADC retains the right to modify the website’s content or services, as well as the terms of use, any time it deems necessary and with no prior warning, via a simple announcement on the website.

Personal Data Protection Policy 

  1. Introduction

With the present notice, we would like to inform you about the terms and conditions regarding our personal data collection and processing, carried out by European Alzheimer’s Disease Consortium, owner of the web portal www.eadc.online and controller of the personal data collected through this website (hereinafter referred to as the “EADC”).

  1. Which personal data do we collect?

The registration of personal data is not required in order to browse the www.eadc.online website.

However, if you wish to receive news and information from EADC, during your newsletter registration, you will be required to submit certain personal information, such as: e-mail address, gender and fields of interest, and if you wish you can submit: Name, Surname and year of birth.

Furthermore, if you contact R&P via the above website (for example by submitting a comment or an expression of interest), R&P may collect your personal information, including primarily your name and email, postal address, as well as the content of your message.

Beyond the aforementioned, we collect personal data of wide public such as: Name, Last Name, Email Address and Occupation, mainly when you register for various events.

Lastly, we may collect and process image or video data, generated through or collected from CCTV equipment at our premises or during our various events.

The present Policy is supplemented and forms a single set of all individual EADC policies that apply and are adapted to our relationships.

  1. For what purposes do we collect your personal data?

We take care to collect only the necessary Personal Data, that is appropriate and clear for their intended purposes, and it is not subject to any further processing in any way incompatible with the purposes originally collected.

As a rule, we collect and process your Personal Data:
A) for sending of information material and general information on EADC , initiatives and events
B) in order to reply or contact you individually in response to one of your questions/comments to EADC.
C) for your participation in various EADC events
D) for a possible collaboration with you and
E) for executing a contract to which you are a party

  1. How long do we keep your Personal Data?

We ensure that the Personal Data we collect, is processed for no longer than what is required for the purpose of processing. The basic criteria that we take into account when determining the duration we keep your personal data are the time limitation of claims determined by law and the time limits within which a public authority may require us to provide them with information that we hold in our records.


  1. What is the legal basis for EADC processing your Data?
  • The execution of a contract (eg, while you participate in an event)
  • Your consent, where appropriate, for one or more purposes (eg while we need to send you a newsletter)
  • Compliance with the obligations imposed by the Law (eg. when we need to notify our partners contact details to tax authorities)
  • The ultimate legitimate interest of (eg. when we record your image through a CCTV to ensure the safety and security of our personnel and premises)
  1. With whom do we share your Personal Data?

As a rule, the data you provide us is not disclosed to third parties and is in no way made public or in any way exploited. In exceptional cases, personal user data may be transmitted to third-party service providers of EADC, who process your personal data solely for the fulfillment of their obligations, arising from their contractual relationship with EADC and from their capacity as processors (such as third-party service providers, security services consultants, etc.).

Also, EADC may disclose your personal information in the following cases:

  • When it has the express content of the person to publish their data in any way
  • If such a disclosure is required to exercise EADC’s rights
  • If it is required by law, a court order or any other government or regulatory authority

In the event that EADC transfers your Personal Data to recipients outside the European Union or the European Economic Area, it will apply appropriate safeguards to ensure an adequate level of protection for your Personal Data.

  1. How do we ensure that Processors respect your Data?

Data Processors, on behalf of EADC, have agreed and are contractually bound with us and among others:

  • To keep confidentiality
  • To not share Data with third parties without EADC’s consent or use them for their personal benefit
  • To take appropriate safety measures
  • To comply with the legal framework for the protection of Personal Data, in particularly Regulation 979/2016/ΕΕ (otherwise known as GDPR)
  1. What are your rights?

You have the right to access your Personal Data.

This means that you have the right to be informed by us if we are processing your Data. If we are processing your Data, you can ask for information about the purpose of processing, the type of Data we hold, to whom we share it, how long we store it, but also about your other rights, such as correction, deletion, and submitting a complaint to the Data Protection Authority.

You have the right to correct inaccurate personal data.

If you find that there is an error in your Data, you can apply for us to correct it (for example, a name correction or an update of an address change).


You have the right to be deleted/the right to be forgotten.

You may ask us to delete your data if one of the reasons provided by the applicable legislation is in force.


You have the right to transfer your Data.

In the event the processing is based on your consent or is required in order to execute a contract with you or is done by automated means, you may ask us to receive, in a readable form, the Data you have provided, or ask us to forward it to another controller/processor.


You have the right to restrict processing.
You may ask us to restrict the processing of your Personal Data, if a reason provided by the applicable legislation is in force.


You have the right to object and withdraw consent to the processing of your Data.
In certain cases, you may oppose the processing of your Personal Data and we will stop processing your Personal Data, unless there are other compelling and legitimate reasons that prevail over your right. If you have consented to the collection, processing and use of your personal data, you may revoke your consent at any time.


Lastly, if you believe that we are in breach of the applicable law for the protection of your personal data, you have the right to file a complaint with the Personal Data Protection Authority, registered in 1-3 Kifissias Ave., 11523, Athens – Greece.

  1. Limitation of Liability

The website www.eadc.online includes links to other sites not controlled by EADC but by other owners (individuals or legal entities) to which the above websites belong. Under no circumstances is EADC liable for any damage the user may suffer from his/her visit to other sites, including any unlawful processing of his or her personal data by reason of the visit to the above sites.

  1. Cookies

Cookies are small text files containing information, which are sent by the eadc.online website and are downloaded to the user-visitor’s personal computer or smart device. These files may contain information on the type of web browser used by each user-visitor, the type of computer, operating system, internet provider and other technical information.

Cookies do not damage your computer or mobile device, or the files stored in them, and they do not intervene in any way with any documents or files stored in your computer when you are visiting the eadc.online website. The use of cookies does not reveal your identity, but may lead to the identification of your computer.

The eadc.online website may use cookies for the following purposes:

(a) Google Analytics
To conduct surveys for statistical purposes and/or to improve the content and services of eadc.online and/or to measure its effectiveness.

(b) Social networking
Cookies are placed by social networking site providers in order to enable the visitor to easily share the content of eadc.online via these sites.

Most web browsers accept the use of cookies by default, but it is possible to set your browser to deny receipt or selectively accept certain cookies. If you disable the receipt of cookies, certain features provided by our website may be unavailable, while some pages may not display correctly.

The website www.allaboutcookies.org offers good and simple instructions on how to manage cookies, using different types of web browsers.