Annual EADC Membership Fee

The association raises financial support for the realization of the statutory aims in the form of:

  • Membership fees of ordinary members (usually academic institutions, with full voting rights), annual fee: 100.-€
  • Membership fees of supporting/sponsoring members (usually business companies, without voting rights), annual fee: 10,000.-€
  • Donations
  • Sponsoring of specific activities


All members may renew their membership on an annual basis. The annual fee shall be paid in January for the whole respective year.

Ordinary members have the right to participate in all activities of the society.

Supporting members have the right to participate in all activities of the first day of the meetings and the networking dinner with as many persons as wished. They have the option to present their own research at one of the two annual meetings and to discuss their presentation with the EADC members and other participants at the meeting.

The annual fee is used to host biannual meetings, maintain the website and support other EADC activities, e.g. participation of young investigators.

Payments will be completed through bank deposit to the following account: IBAN: DE49 8306 5408 0005 2079 67

In order to facilitate keeping track of fulfillment of membership obligations when depositing your membership fee please include the member’s name in the deposit note.



All members may renew their membership on an annual basis. The annual fee shall be paid in January for the whole respective year.

Ordinary members have the right to participate in all activities of the society.

Supporting members have the right to participate in all activities of the first day of the meetings and the networking dinner with as many persons as wished. They have the option to present their own research at one of the two annual meetings and to discuss their presentation with the EADC members and other participants at the meeting.

The annual fee is used to host biannual meetings, maintain the website and support other EADC activities, e.g. participation of young investigators.

Payments will be completed through bank deposit to the following account: IBAN:DE49 8306 5408 0005 2079 67

In order to facilitate keeping track of fulfillment of membership obligations when depositing your membership fee please include the supporting / sponsoring member’s name in the deposit note.